Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I have a terrible headache.

My brain is throbbing and I'm not sure why. It might be my period and I hope I'm not getting sick.

Enough complaining, I have something awesome to post about!

Yesterday, for Valentine's day, Aaron took me to a really fancy restaurant! It's this place called Terrapin. They use this old church and had it renovated to be a restaurant, and there were balloons and hearts everywhere; it was so cute. I was so nervous. Aaron and I are quickly coming to three years together and I never am nervous around him any more, but I couldn't help myself. I think it was because this was our first real date in a while. We do spend a lot of time together, and we go out and have a nice time just hanging out, but this was, like, official. Aaron also wore this really nice outfit; it was brown slacks, and a yellow/white stripped top. Super cute and nerdy. <3 The ride over was nice, too; New York is beautiful.

The food was so tasty. You get this sort of appetizer, then a soup or salad, the meal, and dessert. I totally had to bring half of my entree home. The appetizer was an assortment, and mine had to be altered because of my possible shellfish allergy. So, while Aaron and I had the same thing, he had a lobster portion and mine was replaced with goat cheese wantons that were awesome. The things we had the same of was a bit of lamb in this green herb-sauce, brie and mango on a bit of toast, and a wedge of duck quesadilla. It all was really good, but I liked the duck the best. (And I'm not even a fan of duck normally. Tastes like if you threw a chicken in old grease. lol)

Aaron and I picked the same soup, roasted garlic. It was a bowl of brown, with a large crouton on top. Also, the crouton had a piece of garlic on it which was amazing. I could only have a little bit because it was a biog bowl and also eating just garlic got to me. For the meal, Aaron ordered ribs and I ordered steak. Since Aaron is sick right now we didn't share (he refused to take any of mine if I couldn't pick at his.) but he did say is was awesome. Mine was great; it had blue cheese on top, a side of potatoes and a side of spinach. It was perfect. Dessert Aaron had something with apricot, and I had a chocolate-lava dealie with ice cream. Keep in mind that the portions were smaller than a normal restaurant by about half to a third, (aside from the soup, that was a lot.) and we still both couldn't clean our plates. lol Oh! Also, we had drinks. Aaron got a mojito, which is his favorite, and I got something called "Lusciously Lavender" which was so good. They took a Lavender vodka, then added lavender syrup. It was amazing and rather tart.

I love hanging out with Aaron, and going on dates with him is always amazing. He manages to use his humor to get me to blush. He told me the things he loves about me and we chatted about a bunch of little things, too. One of the things is he said I have four distinct laughs and he loves each one. He then started to describe these laughs, which made me, well, laugh.

Also since he was sick he stayed home and we cuddled and watched a movie! XD It was a wonderful Valentine's day. <3 I am so lucky.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so romantic! I know how you feel when you get nervous on official dates because you're so use to the buddy side of relationships.

    Me and kieran's 3rd year anniversary is coming up too in april but on the 17th w00t!
