Saturday, January 8, 2011

Double the post, today.

I didn't blog yesterday. That's it. I just didn't, so no use dancing around it. My reason for distraction was planning on writing in the later afternoon, but Aaron came home super early from work because the snow just came down. So, that helps goal number 2. "Be happy." Now I understand that is a temporary little thing and Being happy is a long term goal that will involve me really sorting through my feelings. However, little steps along the way are important, too.

I also got my Shaman to 75 yesterday with Aaron's help when I was too blah to push through a quest line. It's turning into about one level every hard core day of playing, or day and a half. So, five - seven more days and I'll hit 80. Someone was saying how Cataclysm is a level per zone, so 85 might take two weeks. Per zone, for those who don't know, is one little section of the world. You can think of it as a little story arc and usually has a bunch of quests to do. Just so you know about leveling; 1-20 took me about three days or four, max. Now I am looking at a level per day, roughly. Everything in between gradually takes longer than the last previous few levels.

Also, today, I should be running out to the fabric store with Aaron's mom. Last time we were there they were selling patterns for 99 cents. Usually a set of patterns can be anywhere from 10 - 17 dollars. I had grabbed about seven but left one behind because Aaron's mom was making me anxious. The story there is I'm job hunting, I have no money, I have student loans needing to be paid back already and I said a project I wanted to try was making a jacket. I had a 20 dollar gift card at the time and I wanted to pick  up a bunch of patterns because of the sale, as well as some fabric. In her usual tactless manner she told me not to spend my Christmas money to cover the difference and stay within 20 dollars. I know she means well, but she doesn't know how to filter anything she says and it really gets under my skin; more so when she says stupid shit to Aaron. That's another topic, however.

Anyway, back to the fabric store. I saw a pattern for a teddy bear and I had been wanting to try making dolls since high school. In the car I mentioned that and she said I should have gotten the doll pattern. I realized I should have, too. It was just her coming over and looking at the patterns and saying "That's not a jacket." really made me stressed out. If it was my own mom, I could have snapped at her a bit, or really explained, but this isn't my mom, it's Aaron's, so I kept my mouth shut. Since that day she's been saying I should really go back and get it. Today she said that if it isn't on sale anymore she would buy it for me. Yeah, really nice, right? As much as she pisses me off ... a lot, I know she means well. Aaron described it best: I am like a scared kitten in a new house and I want to run and hide under the bed all the time even though being outside of the bed is safe. Which is true. I hide in here, or in our room and avoid his parents when I can. Comfort issues with new people. Living here is really weird and awkward for me. I want to be independent, but I can't. I know we are imposing on his parents, but yet I want them to leave me alone most of the time. Usually I'm a very private person.

Last thing, because this feels pretty long already: we are playing DnD today. Sadly this is one of the games that's crap, however, the usual DM isn't running it and some one else is going to be doing a one-shot dungeon, so it should be better than normal.

I looked over the Beastiary 2 and wrote down on paper monsters from level 1-7, then a handful of higher CRs and thought of how I wanted to use them. I found my plot-line-race that will be rather important. With out giving anything away there is one non-playable race the characters will meet and learn some plot from. Before in DnD I had it as this one race, but this race wasn't in Pathfinder, so I picked this new race that is sexy. Now the hard part: writing everything down and sticking to it. After that running it is easy enough. In order of hardest to easiest: Writing everything out the way you need it so everything is playable and interesting; thinking of connection story lines; thinking of story lines; picking cool monsters and NPCs.

I will work on my story when I can, and I think I'm going to tackle sewing next week. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you are feeling with the whole mom thing. One day when you finally get your own place I can only imagine the joy that will be in your heart and I will visit you and hopefully live near you one day!
