Friday, January 14, 2011

So, this won't be a daily blog.

I noticed that I've been missing days every so often, even though I have things I want to post. Sorry about that! So, let's talk about some goals!

I made three things since I last posted, pictures will follow later. I made a skirt. I have a pattern for a skirt but it called for nearly 5 yards of fabric which I didn't have. I had three yards of the fabric I wanted from before. I took my fabric and width ways unfolded it (when fabric is on a bolt in the store it's folded over), then I refolded it length-wise. I then measured out a wide waist to offer some poof around the waist band, then I cut to the corners. I will tell you now: elastic waistbands are a bitch to put in. lol I tacked down everything and sewed the elastic band in. I only really messed up on two parts of the skirt. The waistband I was starting to gather too much fabric as I sewed it down, so I simply stopped, straightened things out and began from where I left off. Pulling out the stitches and doing it again would have been ridiculous. The second mistake is on the side hem; neither is straight but one looks so wonky. Considering it's a skirt and meant to be a bottom layer I am calling this one a success.

I also made a little shawl-thingy. This came out really well. I, however, didn't get 'anti-pill' fleece, which means it will get little icky balls of fluff clinging to it. I do have a remedy: go buy a top layer fabric and sew it on top. It will hide the icky texture and it will look more finished and feel warmer if I get a heavy one. I will hold off on tackling a jacket until I get this top layer and make them match.

Next I made a cute little lamb. It looks kinda retarded, though. I had bought and embroidery kit before we moved and never tried it. So, I jumped in the deep end and made a basic little face. It looks so weird, but not too bad. The only thing I need to be mindful of was I cut the fabric weird on the back and there is more material there then there should be making the lamb look like a hunch back. I had bought too much pink fleece for this on accident (because I forgot that fabric is folded over when you buy it, even though I was looking right at it.) So, I can surely make a second lamb, and possibly squeeze a little something else out of the remnants if I have enough left. Not being a pink-person, myself, anything I make will either before my friend Melissa or my niece.

In other news, my Shaman is level 81 (and, about a third of the way through, if that.), so I am in the newest areas that came out a little before christmas. They are amazing. Right now I'm running around underwater. Oh, man. I had a panic moment while playing. Like a real-life I was starting to feel scared moment, too, which was kinda awesome. So, there is this underwater world, and while there you can run around on the sea floor and you don't have to worry about not being able to breathe. There is cool sealife floating around and then there are areas that you can come to the surface in a cave, still below the depths. It's amazing, honestly.

So, on to my little moment. I'm swimming around and there is this huge structure shaped like a bug which is already kinda gross. Then I nice you can enter through this little tendril; so I do. Right away I was a little skeeved out. The inside was small and all fleshy which made me feel uneasy. So, I figured if I kept going I might surface in a more open structure, right? No, the little surface area was still in that tiny tube. I have no idea why but I needed to get out of there. Creepy sea monsters, I love them, but at the same time they freak the crap out of me. Anything bigger than me makes me feel nervous. Anything that can swallow me in one gulp irks me. This was all that in one, kinda. Not to mention the fleshy texture really did me in. (I don't even like the walk-through heart in the Franklin Institute.) So, I felt my heart jump, my face turn a little red, and I needed to breathe slow. I got out fast and then started laughing. It scared me, but it was fun.

Okay, now on to my last little bit:
I have been working on my plot and writing it out. I noticed I'm writing a lot more than I had made a note of just so things stay clear in my head. So, I'm just through the intro and moved on to some interactive stuff. Then I stopped out of boredom. Today being friday; I should finish today if I want to run things this weekend. I can, too, but I really don't want to. It's a crappy feeling. I may or may not complete this goal. Getting to 85 is, like, consuming me because I want Aaron to play and I want to play my Worgen. It feels like "You can't have dessert until you finish your veggies." And I'm like, "Shit, just give me the damn ice cream; I ate most of my veggies. Wrap them up and I'll have them later!" So, I'm not enjoying these last few levels to their full extent because I feel like I have to do it. :< Change something from 'for fun' to 'have to' and I suddenly hate it.

1 comment:

  1. it's cool! As long as you stick with your goals, which btw sound like they are coming out great!
