Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Taking a first step.

I noticed that I don't like sharing my goals with others because if I fail then people will think poorly of me. Unless the goal is something super easy or pointless. So, damn you Kameele for having me step out of my comfort zone. The stuff I do for you. ;) (From the wink can you tell that I'm only half serious, well, more like one-eighth serious.)

My other problem is I have this way of looking at my goals or just the things I need to do and thinking "I can't do all that, it's impossible."  So, say I have one or two things, no biggie. Okay, add a third, time consuming but do-able. Then toss on a fourth and then I think of it like it's all one task that needs to get done RIGHT NOW and done perfectly with out letting any of it be left over to do the next day. I need to work on this, and I have been, but it's such a weird state of mind that deciphering what is actually overwhelming and what's just me being neurotic is still hard to figure out.

I think today I will work on task number six. Aaron got a new book for Pathfinder and the creatures in there are super sexy. They work perfectly for my campaign, too. I love it. I think I will start by jotting down monster names by their challenge rating and then go in and really sort through what works in my story and what doesn't. Luckily I do have the first little adventure set up in my head and it really only needs the creatures inserted in. So, I will try to pick them today and write it out in my DM note book. With the first adventure solidified then I can try moving on to the next one, or at least picking monsters. The map of the main city needs to be completed too, which is tricky because that's a rather new concept for me to think of the whole city, and not just a part.

As for some of my other goals, I do have new patterns for sewing which I'm not willing to tackle today. We are having company over on the weekend and I feel like if I were to start setting up my new sewing machine and working on stuff by the weekend I'll be annoyed needing to put it all away. Then again this may be me seeing everything happening at once like mentioned before. I will play this by ear and if I want to I'll just do it.

Also, not really a goal, but still sort of a goal: I need to get my sexy Draenei Shaman to lvl 85 in WoW. Aaron said he won't start playing until I ding 85, and playing WoW with Aaron is kind of important to me. I really want to raid with him and group with him. We are making Worgen together and he said the cutest thing. "How about you make your Worgen look like you and I make mine look like me?" I thought it was really sweet. Sadly my IRL name and any suitable variations were taken, so I picked a name that I like but then thought of a better one. Bah! lol I might work on remembering the better name and then seeing if I can create the same Worgen with that name.

*Note: Aaron knows about this blog-project I'm doing with my friends. He's at work right now and asked me for the link so he could come and read my daily posts which is very sweet of him. It reminds me of a time when I was dating someone else who refused to go read my blog. It was a long distance relationship at the time and I think I was still in high school, so I could blog about classes and stuff everyday during my study hall. I remember her saying, "I hate following blogs, so why don't you just tell me when you post something important and I'll look then." Which I told her defeats the purpose because then I could just tell her the whole story. Anyway, I bring that up to point out how awesome it is that Aaron wanted to read this with out me even hinting that I wanted him to read it. He said because he loves and supports me is why he wants to read it; something I never got from my ex. Weird how you remember things randomly.

Aaron, I love you. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you are doing this and after reading this blog I can already tell this is going to be your year.

    Going out of your comfort space is never really fun, but once you're out of it and start exploring the unknown then you really see how awesome you are. Of course you are already awesome, but this way it'll be like awesome times 10!

    The goals you have set are great ones, and I know when I wake up and go to work or whatever all I can think about is coming home and reading what you wrote because you have my full support and I know you can do this.
