Monday, January 10, 2011

I have my coffee.

I started my day with the battle of Why? again. I didn't want to get out of bed and start my day. I hung out for about 45 minutes just thinking of everything good and bad I have to do today or at some point. Finally I made my will save and got out of bed (Oh, DnD reference.) I filled my new Mana mug with coffee which is a small way for me to bring happiness into my life. For those who don't get this: There is a mug for sale that I got for Christmas that's a really nice blue that has the image of a video game potion bottle and it says "Mana" on it; the same place also sells a red one with a similar design that reads "Health" instead. I nerd-gasmed. I want both but Mana was more important to me because in TTRPGs I usually play casters and mana is their source of power. Also, in WoW items that are drinks usually replenish mana, while food items will replenish health, so it's double meaning. Also-also, Aaron's one wizard is an alcoholic, so he says drinking helps him cast, so that's the little cherry on top.

My Pathfinder story is really taking shape in my head and I have story for about four of the PCs so that helps, too. With four out of the main group of players we usually have I feel fine with starting the game soon and anyone not ready can suck it and miss out. Honestly, the people I want to play have their characters made, anyone else might stress me out. Well, out of the people who aren't ready there are two I'd like to have play, but both don't get to attend as frequently as the rest, so it's not a problem.

I think I want to be able to run next weekend. I think that might be my goal. I already have the first adventure and enough creatures to  write out the second one just in case we blow through the first part. I hope that works because I'm not sure how what I have on paper will translate into time-wise or even fun-wise. Oh, shoot, I need to pick my witch's spells, too.

I really wanted to sew all weekend. That was the only thing I wanted to do. Everything else felt like a huge distraction. We played Kevin's dungeon of Bob's game which should have been way more awesome to me, but I just kept stressing out because two days in a row when on both days I had inspiration to do something else. So, I liked the adventure, but I needed my me time and we had already promised to host. Luckily I did have time to cut out the pattern for the teddy bear. So, all I need to do is pin it, sew it, and stuff it.

On my list of things I would like to sew soon are:
One teddy bear for Pete's daughter
One lamb for my friend Melissa
One bunny for myself
One of the three above for Debbie's daughter
(Then figure out how to alter one of the patterns to look like a cat for someone special.)

Then for myself I want to make:
A little fleece shaw/half cape-thingy.
A Jacket
A bag
Possibly pj pants

Then after all that I will attempt to tackle making a steam punk outfit. Luckily these are all things I do have patterns for.

Since I hate sharing my goals because of worrying about failing and looking like an ass, I will force myself to share one more: I want to sell my work. So, all these patterns are helping me understand sewing. I want to get comfortable with each pattern then move on to design my own, then make a bunch of things, get registered at a convention and then sell it. I was working on this with potpourri, but that's tricky to do. I need one month and materials in advance of my sell date for potpourri, and if I hold onto the finished potpourri for too long the scent will fade, and it won't sell. So, I will still collect tea leaves, and I have a nice stack of oils but I hope to make something a little more sellable, and the potpourri can be a little extra side thing. I know this won't make me rich, but I will be able to sew for sun, and make pocket change with it which is great.

Oh, one last thing before I go:
I had a weird dream last night. Aaron and I were driving a bed like a car to go from 'our apartment' to visit his parents. On the way we made a pit stop at a mall/rest stop. There I found Frakenstein's monster. However, this is what he looked like: He was tall and lanky with peach skin like a human, but a little pale. Then parts of him looked to have almost a blush effect, like the front's of his arms, legs, torso and so on. He also had spots, not quite freckles and not quite liver spots. He had a large bald head, pointed ears that were sorta twisted around, and huge large, stark white eyes. He looked kinda like an alien with a weird color scheme. He was crazy-friendly, but rather scary and he kept giving me hugs. I finally woke up when someone used the bathroom IRL and turned on the water which is right by my head when I sleep. The hissing of the water went into my dream and the thing started to hiss, also.


  1. I hope that special person who gets the cat finally gets a chance to make out with you when they see how awesome it's gonna turn out! ^_^

    You're goal sounds amazing and I can already see it in my head which will one day be the future!
